Antenor was the counsellor of King Priam of Troy in Greek mythology. He was the son of the noble Aesyetes and Cleomestra. He became one of the most valuable assets of the city of Troy, serving as a wise elder and counsellor. His wife was Theano, with whom he had numerous children, including Crino, Archelochus, Acamas, Glaucus, Polybus, Antheus and more. A number of sources claim that he was also related to Priam in some way.
Before the start of the Trojan War, Antenor advised the Trojans to return Helen to Menelaus, in order to avoid a conflict, and in general was in favour of a peaceful resolution. Towards the end of the war, he defected and helped the Greeks by opening the gates of the city. As a result, the Greeks did not ransack his house which was marked with a panther skin. After the fall of the city, he was said to have built a city either on the site where Troy had been, or somewhere in eastern Italy. Some sources say that he founded Patavium, the modern day city of Padua.
See Also: Priam, Trojan War, Helen, Menelaus