Procris was the daughter of the king of Athens, Erechtheus, and Queen Praxithea. She had two sisters, Creusa and Orithyia. She married Cephalus, son of Deioneus.
According to one source, Cephalus decided to test his wife's love for him, and left his home for eight years. When he returned, he disguised himself and then managed to seduce his wife. The couple reconciled, but Procris was afraid that her husband had an affair as he always left to go hunting. One of Cephalus' servants also told Procris that on his hunts, Cephalus would call out to Nephele. So, one day that Cephalus went hunting again, Procris followed him in the woods. There, she heard him call out to Nephele and she immediately jumped out of her hiding place. However, Cephalus, startled, thought that it was an animal attacking him, and shot her with an arrow, killing her.
See Also: Nephele, Erechtheus, Praxithea
Procris was the daughter of the king of Athens, Erechtheus, and Queen Praxithea. She had two sisters, Creusa and Orithyia.
The parents of Procris were Erechtheus and Praxithea.