Sea Gods

Sea Gods

Sea Gods of Greek Mythology

Greek Mythology Sea Gods

In Greek mythology, the sea was a realm of power and danger, ruled by mighty gods who held sway over the tides and the creatures of the deep. From the powerful Poseidon to the wise Nereus, these gods were known for their strength, wisdom, and courage, and were often called upon to help or protect those who braved the dangers of the sea.


Poseidon was the god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses. He was the son of the Titans Cronus and Rhea, and was one of the most powerful gods in Greek mythology. He was often depicted holding a trident, the symbol of his power, and was known for his strength and wrath. He was also the brother of Zeus, the king of the gods, and the two were often at odds over control of the earth and its inhabitants.


Nereus was a sea god and the son of the ancient Titans Pontus and Gaia. He was known for his wisdom and his ability to prophesy the future. He was also a shape-shifter, able to transform into various forms to evade his enemies. He was the father of the sea nymphs, including the beautiful Thetis, and was often called upon to help sailors in need.


Triton was a sea god and the son of the god Poseidon and the sea goddess Amphitrite. He was known for his great strength and power, and was often depicted holding a trident, like his father. He was also able to control the waves and the creatures of the sea, and was often called upon to calm storms or protect sailors from danger.


Proteus was a sea god and the son of the god Poseidon and the nymph Thoosa. He was known for his ability to prophesy the future, and was often sought after by those who wished to know what was to come. He was also a shape-shifter, able to transform into various forms to evade those who sought to capture him. He was often depicted as an old man, with a long white beard and a staff in his hand.


Oceanus was a sea god and the personification of the great river that encircled the world. He was the son of the Titans Uranus and Gaia, and was known for his wisdom and knowledge. He was often depicted as a wise old man with a long white beard, holding a cornucopia and a staff. He was the father of the river gods and the nymphs of the sea, and was often called upon to help sailors in need.


Glaucus was a sea god and the son of the god Poseidon and the nymph Leucothea. He was known for his great strength and bravery, and was often depicted as a muscular man with a beard and long hair. He was also a skilled fisherman and diver, and was said to have discovered the herb that gave him immortality. He was the lover of the sea nymph Scylla, and was often called upon to protect sailors from the dangers of the sea.

Gods of the Water

The sea gods of Greek mythology were powerful and mysterious figures, associated with the power and danger of the ocean. From Poseidon and Nereus to Triton and Proteus, these gods were revered for their strength and wisdom, and were often called upon to help or protect those who ventured into the depths of the sea.

Sea Gods Q&A

Who was Sea Gods?

Greek Mythology Sea Gods In Greek mythology, the sea was a realm of power and danger, ruled by mighty gods who held sway over the tides and the creatures of the deep. From the powerful Poseidon to the wise Nereus, these gods were known for their strength, wisdom, and courage, and were often called upon to help or protect those who braved the dangers of the sea.