

Caerus was the personification of opportunities and favourable moments in Greek mythology, who was depicted as having one lock of hair. He was the youngest child of Zeus, and he fell in love with Fortuna.

He was responsible for bringing things in the most convenient and right moment, even if it was at the very latest. He therefore represented opportunity, as well as good timing and season. He was always shown as standing on his tiptoes running, also having winged feet to fly. He also had a razor or scales that were balanced on a sharp edge, in order to showcase fleeting opportunities. If not grasped by the single lock of hair, the opportunity would be quickly lost.

See Also: Zeus

Caerus Q&A

Who was Caerus?

Caerus was the personification of opportunities and favourable moments in Greek mythology, who was depicted as having one lock of hair. He was the youngest child of Zeus, and he fell in love with Fortuna.

Who were the parents of Caerus?

The parent of Caerus was Zeus.

Caerus Associations