

Pallas was a Titan god in Greek mythology, son of the Titans Crius and Eurybia. He had two brothers, Astraeus and Perses, and he was married to Styx, with whom he had a number of children; Zelus, Nike, Kratos, Bia, Scylla, Fontes and Lacus. He was the Titan of warcraft. During the Titanomachy, Pallas was killed by the goddess Athena.

See Also: Crius, Eurybia, Titans, Astraeus, Perses, Styx, Athena

Pallas Q&A

Who was Pallas?

Pallas was a Titan god in Greek mythology, son of the Titans Crius and Eurybia. He had two brothers, Astraeus and Perses, and he was married to Styx, with whom he had a number of children.

Who were the parents of Pallas?

The parents of Pallas were Crius and Eurybia.

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For MLA style citation use:, The Editors of Website. "Pallas". Website, 31 Jan. 2015, Accessed 26 April 2024.